Friday, February 1, 2013

Cool table of contents designs!

I googled 'table of contents' and found several cool designs. My favorite one was this:
This is an interesting one-page design. There are no visuals from the rest of the magazine, but the circle is eye-catching and infinitely cool and might be interesting to copy. Instead of the picture with the bag, I would put the circle on the right page and have a standard letter-to-the-editors layout on the left.

The other design I found was this:
This is actually from a birdwatching book. But I'm not so much enthralled with the specific design - more with the concept. Having a little box for the table of contents with a visual in the background could be interesting.

If I were to copy this design, I would have one big, singular photo in the background and have the Editor Letter and the Table of Contents in little gray boxes, perhaps with some cool little additions in other boxes.

OR, alternatively, I could have a whole big collage of photos from the magazine with numbers referring to each thing in the table of contents. In that case, I would still have the text in little boxes, but I wouldn't make them transparent and put pictures behind them. They'd just be scattered all around.

Over the next few days, I'm going to try copying the first design, with the circle, as it's far easier to construct without yet having photos.

1 comment:

  1. Like where you were going with this today a lot and am so impressed again by your speed and willingness to learn InDesign. Perhaps we can integrate a circle into the rest of the design somehow to unify the magazine. Ex. Page numbers. Love how you are including images. You can do a screen shot of the designs you make to record the process and how it changes as you work it towards perfection. (Command+shift+4)
