Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My table of contents design!

For most of this class and last class, I was creating this:
I really like this design so far.

This is just a first draft. Obviously I'll have to tweak the colors and the layout. It looks a bit strange at the moment, especially that "GALAXIES" thing on the bottom. I don't know what I was thinking when I made that. Also, the number of dots will have to change once the actual stories start coming in.

But I was thinking - wouldn't it be cool if there were a theme of pictures in circles throughout the magazine? Maybe we could have at least one circle-picture on each page, or else have little "Previous Page" and "Next Page" previews on the top corners of each page, with little circles depicting what's next.

1 comment:

  1. I am feeling really excited about this. It is fresh and I love how deliberately you are working through the design. I agree the circle should connect the design in some way, they are hard to use, but I like the idea of keeping them small and content oriented throughout.I would have to see the previous page next page thing to see if it would be confusing to the reader. But at least it could be a graphic nod to page content that is more artistic.
    Like the You are here...it suggests all the places we hope to take them in the magazine. Could the story tags come with locations? Too much? The text near the bigger stories is awkward I agree, maybe those are just for graphic interest? Pulled out from our collage type pages?
    Again excited about your thoughtful progress.
