Friday, February 15, 2013


This took a little longer than anticipated. I was going to do two designs today, but now that I have a little extra time I think I'll start designing more spreads after vacation. I looked at this:
And then I copied it and made this:

The only thing I might want to add to this is captions for both photos. But that should be easy and I'm otherwise pleased with it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

And on the fifth day, he created spreads. . .

Today I designed another example design for people to use (the fourth one below). All of the designs I've made so far are based on previous Carpe Diem spreads, but on Friday I want to look up cool professional spreads and copy them.

Just for reference, here are the four designs I've made so far:

Monday, February 11, 2013

Opening pages!

At the beginning of class I helped Sarah and Nate get started on their designs by putting the bare template and the finished templates on the server. Then I designed this:
Obviously I'll continue to tweak the colors on the table of contents.

I want to have pictures of the editors in all of the bubbles, looking coyly at the letter or otherwise being silly. However, I am exceedingly proud of the Robert Downey Jr. gag and would be perfectly willing to keep him there.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Little Circles

Today I experimented with a new idea:

I don't know if this is a good idea, but I like it. We'd replace the galaxies with pictures from the next and previous page. We didn't have much time today, so this is really all I did this class. I put it in all the designs I have so far.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My table of contents design!

For most of this class and last class, I was creating this:
I really like this design so far.

This is just a first draft. Obviously I'll have to tweak the colors and the layout. It looks a bit strange at the moment, especially that "GALAXIES" thing on the bottom. I don't know what I was thinking when I made that. Also, the number of dots will have to change once the actual stories start coming in.

But I was thinking - wouldn't it be cool if there were a theme of pictures in circles throughout the magazine? Maybe we could have at least one circle-picture on each page, or else have little "Previous Page" and "Next Page" previews on the top corners of each page, with little circles depicting what's next.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Cool table of contents designs!

I googled 'table of contents' and found several cool designs. My favorite one was this:
This is an interesting one-page design. There are no visuals from the rest of the magazine, but the circle is eye-catching and infinitely cool and might be interesting to copy. Instead of the picture with the bag, I would put the circle on the right page and have a standard letter-to-the-editors layout on the left.

The other design I found was this:
This is actually from a birdwatching book. But I'm not so much enthralled with the specific design - more with the concept. Having a little box for the table of contents with a visual in the background could be interesting.

If I were to copy this design, I would have one big, singular photo in the background and have the Editor Letter and the Table of Contents in little gray boxes, perhaps with some cool little additions in other boxes.

OR, alternatively, I could have a whole big collage of photos from the magazine with numbers referring to each thing in the table of contents. In that case, I would still have the text in little boxes, but I wouldn't make them transparent and put pictures behind them. They'd just be scattered all around.

Over the next few days, I'm going to try copying the first design, with the circle, as it's far easier to construct without yet having photos.