Thursday, November 29, 2012

Plan of Action and Checklist

  • Final Edit of feature
  • get 3-5 amazing photos
  • complete extra story and save w/ images in folder on server
  • Complete design: 1-4 pgs for feature
Plan of Action:
At Home: Work on text of feature story: Find some statistics about young voters
November 29th: Visual: story doesn't lend itself well to photographs, so find interesting graphs online and perhaps small pictures of the two politicians. 
December 3rd: Finish transcribing West Side Story audio: Whip up into more concise article. Put photos and story on server.
December 5th: Lay out feature story on Indesign - if necessary just use template
December 7th: Work with Sam on deciding what will be on Artsy Spread. Hopefully have Murray's photo's by then?

Page #s: 28-29 West Side Story, Pepperell Squares, other artsy stuff
              44-45: Teens and Politics
              48-49: Issues you should know about - quad box, other fun stuff

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