Monday, October 15, 2012

Post #12 Quick Story Monday - Contents of Mysterious Quad Box Revealed

As students began classes in September, they were greeted by a mysterious maroon boxcar-like object sitting in the quad, looming over them as they shuffle from class to class. What did that enigmatic box hold? A cache of jewels? A time machine? A portal to a magical snow-covered forest? Four adorable homeless children who solve mysteries?

"Masonry equipment," said TA Resource Officer Jeff Cook in late October. "You know how they're fixing that wall on the main building? That's what that is."


According to Cook, the Quad Box (as it has come to be affectionately referred to) belongs to a portable storage company and has been rented by P&G Masonry Restoration, Inc. in order to store tools and materials needed to restore the wall of the main building annex. Over the course of the past few months,  workers have been steadily repairing the wall after school hours.

"And I think they're done," said Cook. "It'll probably be gone soon."

The Quad Box most likely contains bricks, wheelbarrows, shovels and trowels, masonry hammers and chisels, and other various construction paraphernalia. Keeping these materials on campus is easier and more convenient than lugging them back and forth to and from P&G's offices in Old Orchard Beach.

The treasured piece of TA landscape was removed at the end of October, but the dark rectangle of dirt where it once stood will forever remain as a tribute. At least until it snows.

1 comment:

  1. Set it in time by adding the date. Otherwise, good job, especially with the clever lead. Wrap up that last line or two. Might be specific about what part of the building they fixed so people can admire the work.
